I am what I am because of who we all are. *




“The one who comes to question himself has cared for mankind” ~ Anonymous


Although we do have an independent existence as original ‘beings’, what we have become today is the product of a long lineage of causes and we are dependent on the net of life within which we evolve and to which we contribute.

Continue reading “I am what I am because of who we all are. *”

Being Alive



“Do not ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman

Although many do not really believe it is possible to achieve, most people seek happiness and wish to live peaceful, secure and contented lives. Yet, the reality is that an incredibly high – and increasing – number of people never come anywhere near to that. Continue reading “Being Alive”

Good Morning!

time and perception



Good morning, when told any time of the day, is something that always make people smile – sometimes after an initial frown …

We started that weird habit in our centre in Hanoi where we were offering free workshops in self-awareness, character development and life skills to students and young professional. We would open seminars and evening classes with a bright ‘good morning!’ both to catch people’s attention but also to make a point – and many times did we find this ‘Good morning’ in answer to the question ‘what did you like best about the seminar’ in our feedback forms.
So, what is time, really? We speak of time as something objective but it is not and there are actually several kinds of ‘time’.  Continue reading “Good Morning!”